Saturday, October 27, 2018

Legend of the eternal life

We need to state that the Muslim is unique in relation to other individuals who pursue skepticism and misguidance. The skeptics need life and long life for the sustenance and drink and the delights that exist in the perpetual world. They are compared to God in his dear book You should realize that the adherent and the Muslim is the privilege is conceded by God life span, you must be portrayed by unadulterated work and great character to get a long life and genuine feelings of serenity that does not end, on the off chance that you need to get a lifetime and youthful ceaseless , You need to guarantee God with this case (You realize that I didn't prefer to remain on the planet to plant trees or to inundate the streams and I won't hunger for the Hajj and the night and jihad in your way). You should utilize this petition, so you can get the most attractive of life, and stay away from Acts performed by the West from investigations that work to reestablish their cells and shield them from silver hair and organs, and you need to keep up the great creation and connection your kindness with your relatives, and great guardians and great neighborliness and reinforce relations with God Almighty.

remedy of life

Numerous individuals have given their lives with the end goal to get the eucalyptus of life. Time everlasting is the possibility of ​​manipulating the human personality since old occasions. It was the primary story of everlasting status that King Gilgamesh composed and his voyage in the look for endlessness, after his companion Ankidu kicked the bucket. Many have guaranteed that they have concocted formulas that delay life. Numerous individuals have taken the oxier, which some Chinese case to have, however accompanied them They have made their lives shorter than they have been, and significantly more The tales in China know the narrative of Qin Shi Huang, who kicked the bucket at 39 years old, since he had taken the Acacia of life to be inert perpetually on account of youngsters.

Divisions of life figment and truth

Life is a standout amongst the most whimsical dreams that numerous ladies and men look for. They are joined by some superstitious convictions that expansion their certainty that poisonous blends have viable outcomes. A few people have kicked the bucket from eating life's oxides since they are in danger of harming. A portion of the grains of mercury, trusting that they were old, yet passed on sooner or later, thought mercury was one of the common oxides of nature, containing components that expansion youth and offer endlessness to humankind, however they didn't realize that mercury could create Cases of harming T on the body in hallucinations, tremors, perplexity, a sleeping disorder and tension, or, in other words synthetic concoctions.

They additionally felt that drinking gold was the existence's fittest

The marvel was spread in France, and the first was idea by King Henry II, who had an extremely lovely sweetheart and was always youthful. She dealt with herself in particular. She drank a blend of drug produced using gold chloride and ethyl ether. The individuals who were in this age guarantee that this blend is hostile to maturing, however it astounded them that the companion of the lord passed on at 66 years old years, as these substances contain lethal substances that enter the body and cause a deformity in the organs and cause demise gradually, Because of this beverage, numerous individuals have kicked the bucket in view of presentation Cosmetic surgery, which was based on the utilization of arsenic in the direct of such activities.

Specialist Charles Edward

A standout amongst the most acclaimed and regarded doctors, Charles Edward, who functioned as a nervous system specialist, infused himself with some odd things, trusting that they would build the magnificence of the skin and revive. He infused himself with extractions of pigs and canines to get the youthful , But he kicked the bucket at 76 years old years, and this awesome article managed a baseball player, however he additionally passed on at 45 years old years because of contamination stomach.

Living creatures are bound to eradication

We need to know extremely well that all the living things that live on the earth and that God made them and kick the bucket, and none of them live, just a single question is one sort of jellyfish, however you need to realize that reality has nothing to do with the fantasies that are talked. They exist just in old books and legends. This medieval blasphemy, which gives the individual eternality and survival in this life everlastingly, did not achieve the enchantment of the Axir, but rather the scan for it gave researchers the chance to find numerous things that have incredible advantages. Concoction improvements that we are seeing A now, it has completed a great deal of research on the mysterious mixture industry, particularly in the brilliant age of the Islamic state and the Middle Ages in Europe.

The failure of drug to create life's confusing expression

Prescription was not able concentrate life's charms to acquire magnificence and youth perpetually, some fall back on magic and enchantment to get the youthful, where one of the ladies cutting the veins of their cleaning specialists, and make them hanging in the bath, and after that remain to shower with their blood, to restore the skin and youth . One of the Spaniards, Ancreta Marti, grabbed poor kids from the avenues and took oil in their bodies and made enchantment formulas that assistance youngsters and maturity, and sold them to rich young ladies at extraordinary expense to Barcelona delights in the privileged societies of the Community

The employments of life are summed up in the accompanying

Acacia is utilized to get the coveted outcome by washing the face with heated water every day, and drying the face and after that paint the fluid night and morning for about a month in succession, until the point that you get the essence of Munir Calder full excellence, Pregnancy, and therefore makes the uterus prepared to get sperm that influence the embryo to develop in the uterus of ladies, and works Alkseer to dispose of the dams that are identified with the womb of the female, and attempts to dispose of the illness of the rash and puffiness that influences the body, Works to dispose of m The torment following the colic and twist in the guts, and reinforces the nerves and shields them from the non-abrasiveness and shortcoming that exist in it, and valuable to dispose of cerebral pains and shivering and helpful for assimilation of nourishment, and attempts to improve the capacity of the psyche and attempts to shield the chest from shortcoming, and valuable to dispose of the agony of the knees and back, Also to dispose of the eating routine, and shields the individual from the chilly and attempts to break the tongue connects and fortify the body and shield it from shortcoming and gives the skin the freshness you require

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