Sunday, October 28, 2018

The terrible suicide

The overton connect, which has not been worked for over 100 years, is rich ground for folklore and talk. The scaffold in Scotland, up to 75 meters high, has been confounding the world since the 1950s, and this extension might be an immediate reason for Scotland's popularity, And this opened the way to state that all that is said in regards to this extension is unadulterated fantasies and anecdotal stories designed by the general population of Scotland to advance their nation and put it on the worldwide guide, yet this announcement was dismissed without a moment's delay after a gathering of scientists to consider this issue , Who affirmed that the extension of the They are not an ordinary scaffold, and what happens is suicide, yet suicide of a unique kind

The Overton Bridge is a little extension close to seventy-five meters high. It is situated in a little Scottish town called Milton, a farming city with a green shading that spreads in excess of 70 percent of the city. There are likewise numerous dairy cattle and goats, Between the city dividers isolated by a waterway or a little lake.

The extension was worked at the turn of the twentieth century by the British powers, which utilized it to cross its powers to the second bank of Milton, never envisioning that this scaffold would turn into an overall day, that, as well as a wellspring of astonishment and unsettling for over two years. A long time, ie since the legend started particularly 

The Legend Of Overton Bridge

The Overton Bridge legend started during the 1950s, in 1948, when the Daily Mail announced the suicide of in excess of fifty pooches bouncing on the scaffold and pursued by five different mutts presently. At that point individuals began to see a puppy corpse consistently under this extension, Which implies that the suicide was happening occasionally, and the episode of forty mutts was not only an occurrence by any stretch of the imagination.

This might be extremely astounding and confusing, however the most perplexing and bewildering is what pursued. Onlookers affirmed that the canines who tumbled from this scaffold and did not bite the dust were to restore the ball again and climb the extension and get themselves again with a bizarre assurance to pass on along these lines Horrible

Overton Bridge and Collie Dogs

Obviously, all the past is astounding and amazing, however the awe likewise never halted there, individuals have seen with the repeat of the occurrence that every one of the canines that submitted suicide were of one kind, the puppies with long-nose coli, Because of the way that the since quite a while ago stemmed collie administration has a feeling of smell past alternate sorts of pooches, in spite of the fact that it has occurred and rehashed with a similar strain just we are before a logical and sensible translation, far from the legends and bits of gossip that have been advanced

Overton Bridge and the surrendered royal residence

The association between the Overton Bridge and the adjoining royal residence was one of the primary bits of gossip advanced by the general population of Milton themselves, where it was said that he was before a ruler of the administration needed to fabricate a castle to unwind amid his get-away, and not long after that was changed over to healing center For the crazy who are numerous in this age, and it is likewise said that the doctor's facility was scorched one day, including without the survival of any individual, has not moved toward anybody from the royal residence since that day

Overton Bridge and Crazy Guy

Legend additionally says that a man of these crazy people who consumed a revile made him take his son and toss him over this extension. When he endeavored to toss himself, he couldn't do it. He was taken to that healing center close to the scaffold. The general population of Scotland defended the episodes of suicide with a revile This man who still possesses this relinquished royal residence as of recently, so this legend was reverberated that a group of specialists went to the reviled extension, and after a distracted exertion, the reality of the Overton Bridge

The reality of overton connect

Obviously, everything that has been said is only superstition or hypothesis. The sensible and conceivable reality developed after the researchers went to this scaffold and led research and concentrates until the point that they discovered two purposes behind this marvelous procedure:

-The sound of the water of the tempting waterway

The proprietors of this view say that these interesting suicides happen on account of the sound of the waterway's water under the extension and its impact on canines, particularly the since quite a while ago caught collie. These pooches have solid wax and sound detects that can smell and hear superior to different puppies. The stream hurries to him when he hears his voice, at that point can not control herself tumbling from above.

 - Mink creatures situated under the waterway

For a similar old reason, or, in other words of feeling of smell and hearing, collie mutts hurry to the scaffold and when they smell the smell of the mink, these creatures, which are for all time under the waterway, raise coli puppies and open their hunger, can not control themselves, and get her body from the highest point of the stream It will achieve the mink, however it will cut down a dead body, leave the world in a mess, and do its most extreme to discover the reason for its passing.

Notwithstanding the sanity of the two reasons, a few people are not yet persuaded of them, and still when they say that what is occurring is a revile that hit the scaffold after the insane man tossed his youngster from over, a genuine revile, precisely like the scourge of the Golden Gate Bridge.

Among Overton and the Golden Gate

Much like the Overton Bridge with the orange scaffold, or the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, USA, and the likeness here - regardless of the aggregate contrast between the two extensions - in suicides that happen both, where the extension records record suicide every year, except suicide The time has originated from people, not creatures. Under eight decades after the development of this scaffold, the quantity of suicide aircraft has hopped from above, as indicated by an official gauge of one thousand and two hundred individuals, making only him in suicides.

The Golden Gate Bridge, which opened in 1937, has a normal yearly suicide rate of 20. The primary suicide aircraft was a resigned forty-year-elderly person, who was just three months from the opening. Demise was not because of bouncing over the sixty-seven-meter connect, Which prompts passing quickly if the effect happened in the face, however in the event that the feet there is a chance to survive and introduction to a few breaks as it were

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